What is the Independent Transportation Network®(ITN)?
The ITN® is a non-profit system for older adults (60+) and people with visual impairments. ITN is a membership organization that recreates the comfort and convenience of private automobile ownership for those who limit or stop driving.
Members open a Personal Transportation Account™, and rides are debited from their account. No money changes hands in the car, and drivers do not accept tips. Drivers do offer a steadying arm, carry packages and fold walkers or chairs.
Members may take rides anywhere in the service area, any time, for any purpose. ITN has a number of innovative payment plans. For example, older people with vehicles they can no longer drive may trade their cars to pay for their rides, and volunteer drivers may earn credits for their own future transportation needs. A volunteer driver in one part of the country may send his or her credits to a loved one in another ITN affiliate anywhere in the country.
ITN provides arm-through-arm, door-through-door service and it helps to connect families across the country. ITN is dignified transportation for seniors. Click here for locations.
No ITN in your area? Find out how to start one here.